Nationwide Prayer CallPlease Join Us
Monday Night 10:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Time) Special Guest
????? will Pray with US This Monday Join Us
Monday October 1st, 2018 10:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Time) Pray together for the Youth of America, what God places on your heart Call Starts at 10pm Eastern Dial in: 712-432-0075 Access code: 4 9 6 1 3 2 2 # (enter # to verify entry) |
Praying for you & our team of Warriors on this millenial battlefield, strengthened by FAITH, FAMILY & call to defend FREEDOM.
May the Lord protect, strengthen & continue to Bless our Nation with discerning leadership & wisdom as we endeavor to unite to protect AMERICA's future. Amen By all accounts, Brett Kavanaugh has all the attributes to be an outstanding Supreme Court Justice. And yet he and his family have been threatened, maligned and slandered by biased media and extreme partisan attacks. One U.S Senator actually referred to Judge Kavanaugh as "evil." He even stated that anyone who supported Judge Kavanaugh was also evil. It is not a coincidence that Kavanaugh is a Christian. And so how should the Christian community respond:
2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV) "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Let us gather in prayer to heal our land. Let us pray that Brett Kavanaugh will be vindicated and placed on the Supreme Court without delay. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to intercede and strike down the evil that consumes our land. Russ Gugino Featured ResourceInviting God into the Process: An Election Prayer Guide![]() Believers everywhere are struggling as they watch the moral depravity in our nation continue to spiral downward. Then the rancor of the political race has discouraged many. But the answer is right in front of us--pray! Dave Butts, chairman of America's National Prayer Committee has penned a simple, non-partisan, Scripture-based prayer guide to equip and inspire believers to pray God's purposes over the upcoming elections.
Inviting God into the Process is formatted in a 4 x 6, 16-page booklet that will fit in a pocket or a Bible. It is designed to fuel hope-filled prayers over our nation. Multiple copy discounts are available to make it very affordable for churches to purchase copies for all their members. |